To the families we serve,

ABS is proud to be a part of your child’s ABA therapy team. With Covid-19 (Coronavirus) in the news, we are taking precautions to assure that we are providing care as safely as possible. We advise that families also take precautions to keep themselves, and others safe from viruses like Covid-19. Learn more below.

What precautions should your family take?

  • Handwashing is often a part of an ABA Therapy program. Now is the time to practice and reinforce proper handwashing procedures both with your child with ASD as well as other members of your family.
  • Alert us to anyone sick in the home prior to the start of a session.
  • Inform your Behavior Analyst if your family has recently traveled abroad or is planning to travel.

What precautions are being taken by ABS?

  • Behavior technicians have been instructed to properly wash their hands and disinfect reinforcement toys often.
  • Behavior technicians may verify that proper handwashing is being practiced by the child receiving ABA therapy. Basic hygiene skills such as handwashing is often a part of an ABA therapy program.
  • ABS is distributing hand sanitizers to all behavior technicians to carry with them and use them throughout the day.
  • ABS is advising all staff to limit both domestic and foreign travel. Anyone returning from foreign travel will be assessed before safely returning to work.
  • ABS staff should cancel any sessions if they are currently ill or getting sick.

During the flu season, it is imperative that we give thought to how best to keep everyone healthy. Frequent and proper handwashing and informing each other when potentially getting sick are basic recommendations we would make even in the absence of this most recent virus.

Behavior Analysts and Behavior Technicians will continue to provide care in the home, within ABA therapy centers, and within the community, if they are well. If you have any questions regarding your family’s  ABA Therapy program,  please consult your Behavior Analyst.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated on further guidance. For the most up to date information on Coronavirus, please visit the Center for Disease Control website.

Stay Healthy,


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